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(all lower case letters)


Saturday, February 25, 2012


I made a grilled cheese sandwich today, that was the one food item that he ate more of than anything his entire life
Every time Addison would spend the night with me he slept on the couch, he always had to have two pillows and a pale green flannel sheet - the blankets were too hot, and a regular sheet was too cold (he was very specific about that)
Addison made fun of me for years when I accidentally sliced my finger open - with a butter knife
Addison watched Sports Center almost 24/7 - he knew so much about every sport, even ones he didn't follow
Addison LOVED Dane Cook- and could imitate him almost perfectly
Addison's favorite X Box games were Fifa and Madden
I was always so protective over Addison because he was so much younger than me, but as he got older, and bigger than me, I realized how protective he had become over me
Pillow fights were a regular occurrence, even when we were adults (but then they weren't as fun then because he could beat me)
My husband used to play football in the front yard with Addison and his friends when they were very young - it was Sam against ALL of them and they still thought it was so wonderful when they won
I don't EVER remember a time when Addison couldn't swim.  He was in the water from the time he was months old and was never afraid
In our pool we would have diving contests with his friends - we were the judges and the boys competed against each other, the prize was bragging rights and they thought that was wonderful
Every Fourth of July we would all sit in our front yard together to watch the Fox Den fireworks show, which we had a perfect view of
While Addison and I were out one day we ran into one of his friends mothers. He introduced me and she told Addison that he had a very pretty sister.  I was surprised and touched when we walked away and he said "you know, it would be better if you were just 'decent' looking, I get tired of having to talk about how beautiful my sister is when people meet you'
The fist week of February I got my first and only tattoo.  It's on my lower back of an Upper Case A in green for his Catholic High School color. On the left has his year of birth, 1989, and on the right his year of death, 2012
I now wear a necklace now that has a tiny bit of his ashes inside and his named engraved on the back

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