Okay everyone - I've thought a prayed about what to do next regarding this whole legislative issue. And I have a PLAN - but I'm going to need everyone's help for this to work so I hope that you will be with me on this.
We are going to wait silently until the beginning of May, when they are out of session, and begin to think they are safe from the likes of me, then we are going to ATTACK.
Once a week, I will write a letter, to each member of the Health and Human Resources SubCommittee and FULL Committee. Each week the letter will be a little different, but still expressing the same general idea: SOMETHING MUST BE DONE. It will be filled with facts to educate them on how horrible this situation is.
What I will need you to do is, EVERY WEEK, COPY my letter. Feel free to ADD anything that you would like about what you have experienced personally, but I want the beginning to be identical, and have the same continuity throughout. Add photo's of your loved one's or anything else that is meaningful to you or feel will have an impact.
Then, ONCE A WEEK, for the next EIGHT MONTHS, until they get back to work in Nashville, each member will receive ALL of these letters from ALL of us. I can give you everyone's email, but also in the Blue Book for this year is listed everyone's HOME ADDRESS. Email's are great, but EASY to skip over, so actual LETTERS that they have to open and read are better. I know some weeks will be busier than others, and all you can do is copy and paste my letter in an email and that's fine, but if you can do both an email AND a letter, of the SAME thing, as often as you can, that would be the best.
We are going to have to BLAST them with information. Let them know we are NOT going away. Tell them that they WILL do something. This will take some effort on everyone's part, but I feel that those that have lost someone, or are battling with addiction right now feel passionately enough about it to join me in this. Obviously MY voice alone is not enough. I need everyone.
And someone commented the other day when I was freaking out that I would come back at this STRONGER. I guess they deduced that from reading everything I have written but they are EXACTLY RIGHT. That is WHO I am, and WHAT I do, but I NEED ALL OF YOU TO HELP.
It's a commitment I know- but WHO IS WITH ME??????
I hope this post gets more comments than ANYTHING I've ever written on here.
I appreciate each and EVERY one of you, and if we join together, they CAN'T ignore us forever. Love to you all!!!! ♥
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