WELCOME FRIENDS! This new blog page will let us reach non facebook users and continue in our mission against the Drug EPIDEMIC.

If you would like to send me a private message please email me at jessica_akhrass@yahoo.com
(all lower case letters)


Thursday, December 20, 2012

I'm back :)

Hello all,

I created this blog many months ago, when my trusty facebook page wasn't working for over a week.   I thought at the time that it would be a good supplement to facebook, because not everyone is ON Facebook!  But I didn't have much response on the blog.  It seemed like I was posting, and posting, but no one was listening, and definitely no one was responding.  
For whatever reason, I have been getting several blog posts lately that I wanted to respond to.  The blog has grown somewhat so I just wanted to let everyone know that I will begin again, posting the same information on the blog page, as well as the facebook page.  
Thank you for everyone that is here. 
Since basically what I do is post on FB, then copy it to the blog, for many it will be like picking up a book and starting to read it right in the middle - sorry about that! If you have any questions about what in the world I am talking about - please ask!
We are coming up on our first Christmas without my brother, Addison.  Our first New Year's without Addison, and then the dreaded "one year anniversary" of his death on January 2.  
Right now I have been posting about a guy that my mom and I visit in the Fentress County Jail, and a couple of others that have been incarcerated for prescription drug related charges that I write letters to.
Please ask me anything! I am an open book about Addison, his addiction, death, and everything else that has happened to us since he died.  
I haven't had a question yet that is too personal, so please don't hesitate to ask anything you like.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your posts on your page. You seem like a very loving, caring person. My boyfriend has been battling addiction for some time now and is incarcerated for now becausebof bad decisions. I too was an addict years ago but have been clean for ten years now by the grace of God. My bf was clean for as long as me but relapsed last year after being clean for almost as long as me. Its so sad. We lost our home, his job, his car etc... I still have faith though and pray for him everyday and everyone that struggles with addiction. God is so good and can heal anyone!
